Thursday, May 26, 2011

Davone Bess continues giving back, now by digging ditches and laying tile in Costa Rica

SFSS = South Florida Sun-Sentinel

SFSS Note: "Since his first days as a Dolphins long shot in 2008 Bess has labored to established himself as one of the team's hardest workers, consistently being the first person on the practice field catching passes 15 minutes before its start, and one of the last ones off."

SFSS Note: "That work ethic hasn't just helped Bess gain league wide respect as one of the NFL's top slot receivers. It's motivated him to take the team's young receivers under his wing, running a grueling offseason training program for them. It's also inspired Bess to spend the past two weeks in Costa Rica, where he's been swinging a machete chopping trees, digging 200 yards of drainage ditches, and laying tile for the people of Canitas as part of a Global Volunteers crusade. Bess and about a dozen other volunteers have been helping the people of Canitas, a small northern town located in the Monteverde Region, prepare for the rainy season."

About digging ditches in Costa Rica and his other volunteer efforts, Davone Bess said:
"I had an epiphany one night. With all I've been through on and off the field God has put me in a position to be a difference maker and to change lives. If I can help someone make a difference and impact someone's life I want to do that to the best of my ability." (SFSS)

About putting together a charity basketball game to help raise funds for sports programs in his hometown of Oakland, CA, Bess said:
"I wouldn't be here without sports." (SFSS)

About how he plans to speak at a South Florida school ever week and have his Bess Route Foundation sponsor and mentor college-bound students, Bess said:
"If I inspire one life that's enough. And often times these kids inspire me." (SFSS)

SFSS Note: "For instance, the children in Canitas, whom Bess brought soccer and football supplies courtesy of his sponsorship with Adidas, has helped him pick up more Spanish than he learned taking classes in high school, and living in South Florida the past three years. He plans to work on becoming more fluent. The manual labor he's been doing has also helped him stay fit during the NFL's lockout."

About the hard work they have been doing in Costa Rica, Cathy Cunningham (an Arizona native who has become friends with Bess on this missionary trip) said:
"We've all been doing an incredible amount of physical labor, and Davone and the guys have been leading the way. They've been chopping down trees, digging the drainage ditches and all kinds of stuff. Davone hasn't been a celebrity. He's not on vacation. He's been one of the hardest workers." (SFSS)

About wanting to give back and inspire kids, Bess said:
"Once I set my mind to something I go hard at it. With my story and what I've been through I'm able to give back and give kids a message about who I am and what I overcame. If I can do it, you can do it too. If I can make a difference so can you." (SFSS),0,4147885.story

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