Monday, May 14, 2007

More from CBS Sporstline on the soap controversy

About their weak schedule this season, Colt said:
"To be honest with you, I'm not really frustrated. I know who we play and the quality of teams that we play has a lot to do with the type of recognition that you get at the end of the year. We're going to be ready whoever we play. We have Boise, Fresno and Washington at home.

The last two years we traveled to Alabama, Michigan State. We finally got used to that big-time atmosphere. If there was one year I would really like our chances on the road, it would be this year." (CBS Sportsline)

About their poor facilities, Colt said:
"These critics would have so much more respect if they realized what we overcome every day with facilities and resources. Even though we lost to Oregon State, Alabama and Boise State, we were in it until the fourth quarter. Last year 11-3 with the talent we had was a complete letdown. We were 18 points from being undefeated. If we feel like we're in a Division I program that has the resources, that makes us feel a lot better when we walk into Alabama and Michigan State." (CBS Sportsline)

About his scholarship check, Colt said:
"We only get $870 in our scholarship check, and we are living in the highest rental market. Last year we were only getting $630, my rent was $650. That was supposed to cover rent and
food. Once I saw the soap and a bunch of other stuff going on, I felt like I needed to say something to get things going. We've already got soap dispensers donated within hours of that article being printed." (CBS Sportsline)

About being targeted by criminals, Colt said:
"When the season ended I got my house broken into, my car broken into twice. After that, I was just really, really irritated and frustrated. They got me the first day. The just got my golf clubs and some other stuff, a phone charger and Ipod. For some reason the next day at 3 in the afternoon they decided to come back. I happened to leave my wallet in that day." (CBS Sportsline)

About how they only have one janitor to take care of their whole team's facilities, Colt said:
"They have one janitor to clean up after 80 people. He recycles shampoo bottles, fills them up with soap and gives them back to us. People should really realize how impressive it's been with Hawaii succeeding at the level they're succeeding at." (CBS Sportsline)

• The school's response to Brennan's claims:

University of Hawaii at Manoa
Athletics Department

UH Response To Items In The Honolulu Advertiser
Story In The Friday, May 4, Edition
"Brennan Fires Away At UH Facilities"

Soap Dispensers
Individual soap dispensers in the football locker room have been replaced numerous times over the last year because of vandalism. Twice, all 25 dispensers had to be replaced at a cost of $4,000 each time. New dispensers were in place at the time the Brennan story was published.

Nagatani Academic Center Staffing
There are eight full-time employees to service the student-athletes at the Nagatani Academic Center. There are plans to add two additional full-time employees. Also, there are a total of 56 other people working as tutors, mentors, computer-support assistants, and study
hall monitors.

There is a capital improvement campaign that was set in motion two years ago. It includes: improvement projects for Cooke Field, Les Murakami Stadium, and the Duke Kahakamoku Aquatic Complex. The "Verizon Room," a computer room for football players, has been closed indefinitely due to ongoing vandalism and improper computer usage. Currently, it is available for use by appointment only.

Student-athletes, like the rest of the UH student body, are afforded the opportunity to obtain a parking pass through a lottery, since parking spaces are limited. Daily parking is available on a first-come first-serve basis for the remaining stalls on campus. Providing student-athletes free parking or permitting them to park in "special" unmarked areas on lower campus would be against NCAA rules. Student-athletes are not allowed to receive any benefits that are not available to the entire student body.

Licensing & Merchandising
Licensing rights for UH-logoed items are managed by the UH Office of External Affairs and merchandising rights are managed by the Department of Auxiliary Services. The UH Athletics Department receives a percentage of licensing and online merchandise revenue. These percentages are determined by upper-campus administration.

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