Thursday, September 9, 2010

UH asked Sen. Dan Inouye for help in getting a conference home

About how UH asked Sen. Inouye help them get a conference home for its athletic department, Peter Boylan (Sen. Inouye's press secretary) said:
"(UH) reached out to the senator and he stands ready to help." (HSA)

HSA Note: "Neither Boylan nor UH officials revealed specifics of what Inouye was asked to do, but the senator reportedly recommended that UH come up with a plan for its conference future and a strategy to get there, according to people at the school."

HSA Note: "Inouye, a UH alumnus (1950), and his wife, Irene, took part in the ceremonial pregame coin flip prior to last Thursday's nationally televised loss to Southern California. He met with UH officials before the game and sat in UH chancellor Virginia Hinshaw's box during it."

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