Friday, September 25, 2009

Feature on Jake Ingram's love of surfing

TE = The Enterprise

About how he's been surfing since he was a kid, Jake Ingram said:
"I've been surfing since I was 6 years old. That's what you do in Hawaii. You're always around the water. If you're not surfing, fishing or diving, I don't know what you're going to do." (TE)

About how he will adjust to the cold and lack of year-round surfing in New England, Jake said:
"I'll make snowmen instead. It's a little bit of an adjustment, but I'm going to just take it as it comes. The more it cools down, the more I'll adjust to it, and hopefully by the time it's freezing I'll be right in there with everybody else." (TE)

About how he took advantage of the summertime swells created by Hurricane Bill, Jake said:
"I've been up to New Hampshire a few times, got to go surfing up there twice at Hampton Beach. It was a little colder than I'm used to, but it was fun." (TE)

About how he loves surfing, Jake said:
"I enjoy (surfing) a lot. I've been doing it a long time and I'mcomfortable in the water." (TE)

Asked what attracted him to surfing, Jake said:
"It's just something fun to do and it's cheap. Once you've got a board, you're set. A short board will cost you 400 bucks. Long boards can go anywhere from 600 to, shoot, 1,400. But once you've got a board, you don't have to put gas in it. You don't have to oil it up. Nothing. Surfboard and a bar of wax, and you're ready to go." (TE)

About how he hasn't had any dangerous surfing situations, Jake said:
"I know when I'm comfortable. I know my boundaries, especially in Hawaii, because it gets big out there. I know my limits." (TE)

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