Friday, October 3, 2008

Spencer Smith is a key to the special teams

About how he will take Richard Torres' job of blocking the opposing team's head-hunter on kick returns, Spencer Smith said:
"I'm just doing another job, showing I can play anywhere." (HA)

About giving an additional special teams job to Spencer Smith, Ikaika Malloe said:
"Spencer is always ready." (HA)

About how he learned to adapt from his parents--his father was raised in Wales, his mother is from NY, he was born in Florida, lived briefly in England, and moved to Georgia when he was 4, Spencer said:
"They raised me good. I've been able to get along with everyone." (HA)

About his crushing tackle on a SJSU kick returner, Spencer said:
"The wedge-busters (Brashton Satele and Cory Paredes) did their job. They busted it. I went right to the hole. I thanked them afterward." (HA)

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