Friday, October 3, 2008

Alexander is the #2 QB

About how Tyler will be available to play vs. Fresno on a need-to-play baiss, Rolo said:
"Tyler's not 100 percent. He doesn't seem to have his arm strength back." (HA)

About how Alexander has worked to improve his throwing technique, Rolo said:
"I liked that he stayed the course. He didn't have an easy go at Florida. But he never took a step back or pouted. He still continued to learn, and he had a very consistent attitude. He got a lot more comfortable in the offense." (HA)

About how Alexander benefited from watching Inoke and Tyler, Rolo said:
"It was good for him to sit back and watch the offense for a while. He's quickened his decision-making." (HA)

Happy with how Rausch is developing also, Rolo said:
"I like Rausch a lot. He has a chance. It wasn't really a big margin (between Alexander and Rausch). We made a decision, and we went with it." (HA)

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