Sunday, August 30, 2009

Feature on the Warriors' use of technology in their preparations

About how UH's coaches use the latest technology to teach their players, DL coach Dave Aranda (who is the Warriors' tech guru) said:
"Coach Mack (Greg McMackin) believes that way. He believes in the latest technology. He believes in using all the media available." (HSB)

HSB Note: "The Warriors coaches consider themselves at the forefront of the electronic arms race in college football by using innovative means to give their players mental reps. It was kick-started by new video equipment last year that overhauled UH's outdated, hand-carted film system."

About the new video equipment they got last year, Mac said:
"Now we're at the leading edge on how we present. We cut things up, we show movies for motivation. Players are all computer literate and play video games, so just drawing Xs and Os doesn't get their attention anymore." (HSB)

About how PowerPoint presentations are used instead of hand-written schemes on chalkboards or overhead projectors, Mac said:
"It does things like 'ZOOM, ZAP.' It does things to get their attention, guys moving, then we have actual video and have it spliced in." (HSB)

HSB Note: "UH can interweave clips of NFL teams to display how to execute a technique, or highlight a particularly tricky play by an upcoming opponent. Meanwhile, the coaches can draw on the screen using a digital marker, a la John Madden in Monday Night Football. Aranda said the UH coaches have also talked about implementing a teaching tool called "Eyes of the Linebacker" that Aranda and McMackin used at Texas Tech in 2000 and 2001, when Aranda was a graduate assistant and McMackin the Red Raiders' associate head coach."

About the "Eyes of the LB" technique they used at Texas Tech, Aranda said:
"We would have our scout offense run a play by Central Arkansas, and position Chris Williams with a camera in the position a linebacker would be on the field. We would film it from the player's perspective. Then we drew up the play, on PowerPoint, here's how they block it. Then you show the (opponent footage) clip. Then we'd show the Eyes of the Linebacker. One, two, three." (HSB)

HSB Note: "Aranda foresees the coaches exploring new techniques as the tech race continues to evolve, such as using Madden NFL video games to implement new offensive and defensive schemes."

About the evolution of coaching technology, Aranda said:
"I could see coming in to see the coaches' offices almost really kind of going away." (HSB)


Warriors coaches diagram X's and O's electronically with sound effects to keep players' attention during meetings. Replaced chalkboards, whiteboards, etc.


UH and opponent video clips are easily compiled and replayed in the Internet age. Coaches can make points on screen with a digital marker, or show a movie clip to get a point across. Removed the hassle of transporting heavy film to the viewing room.


Players have taken the initiative to download content on their iPods and iPhones for their own viewing. Footage of specific plays and formations can be called up at a moment's notice as a new memorization tool."

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