Tuesday, June 9, 2009

UH Freshmen Adjusting to UH's Conditioning Program

About waking up early for their conditioning sessions then having classes during the day and voluntary drills in the afternoon, Cayman Shutter said:
"It's an adjustment for some of us. I'm starting to get the routine down." (HSB)

HSB Note: "As they acclimate to college, Shutter, Nielsen and David Graves, another freshman quarterback and Shutter's roommate, are familiarizing themselves with the run-and-shoot in film sessions and 7-on-7 drills four afternoons a week. Coaches aren't allowed to attend the unsupervised workouts, so guidance comes from returning quarterbacks Greg Alexander, Brent Rausch and Shane Austin."

About how the returning QBs have been helping UH's 3 freshmen QBs, Shutter said:
"They've all been really helpful to us." (HSB)

About how he's been training on his own and will report to UH on July 5 after finishing his requirements at Saddleback College, Aaron Brown said:
"Even though I'm not there, I'm still trying to get into top physical condition." (HSB)

About their series of summer camps, Mac said:
"It gives us a chance to teach technique and fundamentals and provide a positive experience for the kids of Hawaii. And it's great to get the kids on campus at the University of Hawaii. It gives our coaches a chance to evaluate and get to know them and have them get to know us." (HSB)

HSB Note: "Shutter attended the camp the last two years, viewing it as an opportunity to refine his skills in front of the UH coaches. Nielsen traveled from California to attend last year's camp before eventually committing to Hawaii."

About attending UH's camps the previous two years, Shutter said:
"Working with (quarterbacks coach Nick Rolovich) helped a lot of with the finer details of playing the game as far as footwork and things like that. To go to a camp where the coaches are watching is really good. Everybody had a chance to demonstrate what they have." (HSB)


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