Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Quotes about Estes

About how important football is to his mother's side of the family, Estes said:
"Every male pretty much on my mom's side played football. I didn't really think about much else." (HSB)

HSB Note: "His uncle, Rockne Freitas, spent 10 years in the NFL as an offensive linemen for the Indianapolis Colts and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. His cousins, Makoa and Makai Freitas, also played in the NFL, and cousin Kahai LaCount completed his eligibility last season for Hawaii."

About how his brother Patrick (who now plays for Nevada) inspired him, Estes said:
"All through high school it was him. I'd go to his games when I could and he taught me a lot. That's where I got the passion from." (HSB)

HSB Note: "As a senior at St. Mary's High School in Stockton, Calif., when Estes wasn't snapping the ball to current Arizona quarterback Willie Tuitama, he was being recruited hard by the Wolf Pack. His brother would drop hints when he saw him about playing in Reno, Nev., but he was easily the minority.

His extended family on his mother's side all wanted him to go to Hawaii. When LaCount started earning some playing time, Estes took note and watched Hawaii games late at night. He immediately noticed the new mean-looking black jerseys. He watched a team that liked to fly to the football and hit people with reckless abandon. It was such a wild atmosphere and he loved it."

About how he loved watching UH play, Estes said:
"I'd see all the crazy black jerseys flying around and guys with long hair coming out of their helmets, it was nuts. I knew I wanted to play there." (HSB)

About how their OL is still figuring things out right now, Estes said:
"Right now, we're just focused on knowing where we are going to be at all times." (HSB)

Contrasting his high school QB (now the QB at Arizona) and Colt, Estes said:
"Willie would always make fun of me and my big (butt). I don't get much of that from Colt." (HSB)

Happy with the progress the OL has made since Estes was healthy enough to practice again, McKnight said:
"We needed to get them playing together and you're seeing the improvements in practice. It's not about physical talent and ability, because they have got it. They just need to get the work in together." (HSB)

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