Thursday, June 24, 2010

Colt Brennan predicts they will have success right away under their new coaching staff

WP = Washington Post

About how he interviewed with OC Kyle Shanahan (who was with the Texans then) when he was coming out of college and Shanahan has since made it clear that he's always been a fan of Colt's, Colt Brennan said:
"That kind of made things easy for me and put me at ease a little bit. They expressed that I have some real talent and I got to really work and get this offense down so I can show that talent." (WP)

Praising how Kyle Shanahan keeps things fun, Colt said:
"What's been a really fun thing was Kyle, him coming in. He's a younger guy, younger coach, and he's unbelievably talented, but he's really easy to interact and be coached up by. He has a great understanding of what it's like to be a player, and the right things to be said to get that player to listen and kind of buy in. He's got a great sense of humor, as well. So there's a great balance of him and his work ethic and keeping [it ]fun." (WP)

WP Note: "Brennan said the atmosphere at Redskins Park is similar to what he's experienced elsewhere when he's been a part of winning teams - specifically during his period of success at Hawaii under then-Coach June Jones - and he predicts "success right away." "

About how their offense will attack defenses just like JJ's offense did, Colt said:
"One thing that is super fun, and the way this is relatable to June's offense, is June attacked defenses no matter what was going on. We always had an answer to some degree. Last year it felt we always had to revolve around what the defense was doing. Well, this year, it's again we are attacking defenses. We are very aggressive. We are trying to score and score a lot. ...It's super exciting, because it's an offense where I get up in the morning, I like coming in, I like learning the new plays, learning the new concepts. I already see so much success at this time of year and compared to the last few years." (WP)

About how 2010 feels like his first season in the NFL, Colt said:
"Basically, I feel I've gained a ton of knowledge of this league and this game, but with me being injured, I feel I haven't felt like myself at all the last two year. Even my first year when I was having success, I was like, 'Wow, this is a little easier than I thought.' And then last year, I was humbled having to get hurt, but also not having the success I had the previous year. So, through it all, I finally do feel healthy, I do feel the closest to myself in a real sense. I feel like this is my rookie year, and I'm coming in and I'm healthy and I have a brand new coach to get used to and a whole new coaching staff to prove myself." (WP)

About how Colt has been working hard this offseason, head coach Mike Shanahan said:
"Every year that you're competing, you're looking for a chance to get some playing time, compete for a position. It's very hard to be a quarterback in the National Football League. He's been working extremely hard to give himself every chance to make the football team." (WP)

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