Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Quotes about the Warriors in the Hawaii papers (Heun might start at MLB)

Asking the fans to show up for the BSU game, Mac said:
"We need fan support more than we've ever needed it in our time. If we have an empty house, that's going to breed losing. If we have a full house, that's what happens with winners. And we're trying to teach these kids to win. Believe me, we're exercising every hour, every second with every kid. Every coach is working at it, every player. To be winners, we all have to do this together." (HSB)

About Heun (his roommate on road trips), Blaze Soares said:
"Jake is like a bear. He sleeps all day. He's not up very much. But when he is, he's full of energy." (HA)

About Blaze's comment, Heun said:
"I need my beauty rest." (HA)

HA Note: "Then Heun used his right index finger to draw an imaginary circle around his face. "This doesn't just happen," he said, grinning."

Heun, who is from Alaska, added:
"Maybe I'm thrown off by the sun being up all of the time here. What's going on with that?" (HA)

HA Note: "In January 2008, Heun became head coach Greg McMackin's first recruit. Signed as a power back, Heun missed the 2008 season because of a herniated disk. Since then, he has moved to rush end, outside linebacker, defensive end, middle linebacker, defensive end again and then, two weeks ago, back to middle linebacker. He was used for three plays in the first three quarters of the past Saturday's 35-23 road loss to Idaho."

Joking about why he wasn't used much against Idaho, Heun said:
"Maybe they thought I was a safety standing around the sideline. Or maybe they think (former UH slotback) Mike Washington is still here." (HA)

About being promoted to starting MLB, Heun said:
"they must have seen something." (HA)

Graduate Assistant Mike Smith, who helps coach the LBs, said that Heun has:
"that mentality and toughness you like. He's smart. We see him going out there and making plays." (HA)

About rooming with Blaze on the road, Heun said:
"With Blaze being a local boy, I was worried he would want (the hotel room) all steamy. I go in there and he turns the (air conditioner) all the way up to 'max.' I thought, 'I'm at home.' Maybe that's why I sleep so much. I'm hibernating." (HA)

About how Blaze and he would talk about the LB position when they were on road trips, Heun said:
"On the road we were talking football all the time. He'd talk about how he was getting attacked and this kind of stuff. So it was a refresher course on what to look for. It's going to have to be more of a balancing act than at D-end, You can't just light your hair on fire and go every time. But I'm stoked to be back there." (HSB)

About how they turn the AC up in their hotel room, Blaze said:
"We both like it cold. We try to max out the a.c. It's better. You sleep better. You don't want to get up when you're freezing." (HA)

HA Note: "Soares has helped Heun study the plays. Soares, Heun and outside linebacker R.J. Kiesel-Kauhane will share in the play-calling duties."

About preparing for his start at MLB, Heun said:
"The hitting will always be there for me. I'm trying to focus this week on getting lined up right and making sure everything is good. Once we're lined up right, it'll be an opportunity for R.J., Blaze and myself to go to work, and try to make this game a steppingstone to the rest of the season." (HA)

About being at RB, DE, and LB at UH, Heun said:
"I think since I've been here I've gotten so used to moving once a month. It's not that big of a deal." (HSB)

About how they will give Heun a chance at MLB, Mac said:
"We're going to look at him. We've been searching for a middle linebacker and we'll take a look at Jake." (HSB)

About being tested at left wideout in practice yesterday, Kealoha Pilares said:
"It feels good. It's less congested outside. With the inside routes, you can't really open up strides and try to gain ground. It's more about reading defenses and breaking off of (defenders). The outside, you get to use your speed more." (HA)

About needing to learn more about the wideout position, Pilares said:
"At slot I kind of knew all the positions, I had a general feel. A lot of the little things I don't know, so I'm going to have to ask questions, watch film." (HSB)

HSB Note: "While Avery was first in the rotation and Jon Medeiros saw more time at slot alongside Greg Salas, offensive coordinator Ron Lee said, "It's too early to tell" which foursome will start against Boise State. Lee said Avery will practice on both sides of the formation. He's also hoping to work junior slots Ryan Henry and Dustin Blount into the rotation as well."

About the possibility that he could start at slot receiver, Medeiros said:
"It's not about me. It's about the team and what's best for the team. I'm not the fastest receiver out there, but I just try to find the areas I'm supposed to be in so we're on the same page." (HSB)

About being able to throw in practice yesterday, 5.5 weeks after he suffered a broken right pinkie on his throwing hand, Brent Rausch said:
"It feels fine. There's no pain. I even took a shot (yesterday)." (HA)

"It felt fine. I have to compensate a little bit, but it's not bad." (HSB)

About pressing his doctor to get cleared to play, Rausch said:
"I'd like to get my two cents, if I could. I want to get involved." (HA)

About how he was excited about getting to practice again, Rausch said:
"I woke up at like 4:30. I got right out of bed and was ready to go to practice." (HSB)

"You feel like you're not even part of the team when you're just standing there watching practice. It's a lot better being a part of it now." (HSB)

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