Friday, July 31, 2009

UH Suspended Coach McMakin for 30 Days

About Mac's punishment, JD said:
"We have completed the investigation with the cooperation of Coach McMackin. Because of violations of University policies, I have decided, with the approval of Chancellor Hinshaw, on the following actions:

* Coach McMackin will be suspended without pay for 30 days. However, Coach McMackin has agreed to volunteer to coach the team for those 30 days because he doesn’t want the team or the university to be harmed by his mistake.

* In addition, Coach McMackin will be voluntarily participating in the salary reduction at the same level as myself.

There are other steps we have discussed that Coach McMackin has agreed to accomplish so I’ll ask Chancellor Hinshaw to present those.” (UH)

Chancellor Hinshaw then detailed additional measures:
"We all recognize that yesterday Coach McMackin made a serious mistake that has hurt many people and brought negative attention to our State and our University. He is clearly remorseful - as well he should be. This has been a painful experience for all involved, but we must now consider actions that will help everyone learn from this very negative event and improve for the future.

In my own interactions with Coach McMackin, he has always been respectful in dealing with all people and set an excellent example for our student-athletes. Yet he still made a serious mistake and we all know that words carry painful consequences so we are all striving to deal with the damage that was done. To lead the healing process, in addition to the actions described by Athletics Director Donovan:

* Coach McMackin will personally participate in activities directed at improving the environment for our community through working with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community on campus. Camaron Miyamoto, coordinator for our LGBT services, has discussed with us how we can turn this into a learning experience for the whole campus.

* That will include Coach’s participating in a public service announcement describing how words can hurt, presenting during student orientations, and supporting awareness training for the athletics program.

* Also, a part of the money from his salary reduction will be used by the University to support a student intern for LGBT to assist in conducting campus-wide workshops in awareness training.

We believe these steps will move us forward by making this painful experience into a positive learning experience for Greg McMackin, our UH Manoa campus, and our community. I can assure you that UH Manoa is truly committed to providing an inclusive, supportive environment for all members of our community.” (UH)

HA Note: "McMackin will be allowed to coach the team "as a volunteer" during the suspension, and the money from his suspension will be used to fund an intern for a gay/lesbian group."

Very positive about the measures taken by UH, Camaron Miyamoto, Coordinator, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Student Services said:
"Today will strengthen a positive and on-going working relationship between LGBT Student Services, the UH Commission on the Status of LGBTI Equality and the Department of Athletics.

Continued collaboration between LGBT Student Services, the Chancellor’s Office, and the Department of Athletics is a necessary and needed first step to address homophobia and to promote institutionalized change at our university.

I am entirely devoted to providing every opportunity for Coach McMackin and the Department of Athletics to serve as advocates for change in support of LGBT people in Hawai`i.

It is my hope that our combined resources and efforts will build a more respectful and inclusive campus." (UH)

Ending the press conference with an apology, Mac said:
“I made a big mistake. I want to apologize to everyone that I offended with my remarks. I’m committed to do whatever I can to use this as a life lesson and to learn from my mistake. When we make mistakes we have to learn from it and make better people of ourselves.

I talked to Charlie (Weis) at Notre Dame and apologized to him and his outstanding football team. I should have never brought the Notre Dame program up in my interview.

I’m sorry I said something so hurtful and I’m very remorseful. I’ve offended the gay and lesbian community and now I’m going to work with the LGBT community on campus to use this as a teachable moment for me and hopefully others. I’m very pained and disappointment in myself and hope to make up for some of the pain I’ve caused others. I’ve made a mistake and now I have to show the leadership in dealing with both the football program and building respect for all people in our community.” (UH)

About the disciplinary actions taken against Mac, Chancellor Hinshaw said:
"We all recognize that yesterday Coach McMackin made a serious mistake that has hurt many people and brought negative attention to our state and university. He is clearly remorseful — as well as he should be. This has been a painful experience for all involved, but we must now consider actions that will help everyone learn from this very negative event." (HA)

HA Note: "Members of some of the campus gay/lesbian groups were at today's athletic department press conference at the Stan Sheriff Center."

About the actions taken today, Camaron Miyamoto (UH coordinator of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Student Services) said:
"Today will strengthen a positive and on-going working relationship between LGBT Student Services, the UH commission on the status of LGBTI Equality and the Department of Athletics." (HA)

Supporting his coach, Jayson Rego said:
"Coach is a great guy, I truly believe he is sorry." (HA)

JD said that Mac will coach during his 30-day suspension:
"because he doesn't want the team or the university to be harmed from his mistake." (HA)

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