Thursday, April 23, 2009

UH unveiled the "Noke", with Inoke taking direct snaps

About how he asked his sister if she would name her son after him, Inoke laughed and said:
"It didn't happen. I don't think anyone or anything has ever been named after me." (HA)

HA Note: "That changed yesterday when UH head coach Greg McMackin unveiled the "Noke," an offensive scheme in which Funaki takes the direct snap. McMackin said the position, in college, used to be called the "bulldog." In recent years, the NFL, most famously the Miami Dolphins, picked it up, calling it the "wildcat." "

About the spread of "wildcat" positions in the NFL, Mac said:
"I'm sick of 'wildcat.' All of a sudden the NFL has an 'original' idea. They're the last group that's going to get something original. They do it, and, all of a sudden it's the 'wildcat.' Shoot, we've been doing it for years." (HA)

HA Note: "McMackin said Funaki is the perfect candidate. Funaki played quarterback in his first four UH seasons, and he's a skilled runner. The "Noke" is best in short-yardage situations, allowing Funaki to run the option, with the running back as a blocker or a wingback. There also is a play in which quarterback Greg Alexander curls deeper into the backfield, setting up a double pass."

About how the "Noke" is a complement to their base four-wide offense, Mac said:
"Basically, it's a third-down, red-zone deal. But with Inoke's talent, it can go beyond that." (HA)

About lining up at QB without the protective orange jersey on, Inoke said that the defenders:
"were having a field day with this. This is four years of all of this emotion they were bottling up. They finally got to let it out." (HA)

HSB Note: "Now a running back, Funaki ran seven plays at quarterback at the end of yesterday's practice. But where defenders couldn't touch him when he wore orange as a full-time QB, his white jersey left him open to hitting this time."

About not having an orange jersey during practice, Inoke said:
"I don't have that halo, not any more. But it's OK, gotta get used to it." (HSB)

HA Note: "Funaki suffered a cut on the left side of his neck from linebacker Po'okela Ahmad."

Inoke said that Ahmad attempted a swim move:
"and his hand didn't make it all the way over. Coincidentally, he had a long finger nail. It almost slit my throat. He went for the jugular." (HA)

About cutting Inoke on the neck, Ahmad said:
"Did I do that? Everybody keeps telling me I did that. I'm going to say 'I'm sorry.' " (HA)

About how he didn't know about the "Noke" until a meeting before yesterday's practice, with RB coach Brian Smith giving him the basic plays, Inoke said:
"The run plays use the same reads as if I were a running back." (HA)

Asked if he reports to RB coach Smith or QB coach Rolo, Inoke said:
"I guess my coach is now Rolosmith." (HA)

HSB Note: "Head coach Greg McMackin said the " 'Noke offense," is designed for short-yardage or red-zone situations. Funaki kept the ball on five option plays out of the formation and attempted two passes."

About how Inoke is a dual threat in the Noke, Mac said:
"The advantage we have is he can throw it too. We wanted to put it in today so we'd have it this spring and then we're going to work more on it in the preseason." (HSB)

About how he hadn't expected to be used at QB, Inoke said:
"I wasn't really anticipating it. I know they had talked about it, but I didn't think they would draw anything up in the spring." (HSB)

About how at first he hesitated to hit Inoke, LB Cory Paredes said:
"The first play I tried not to touch him too much, and I got in trouble for that. So he was just another runner now. He's my friend, but you have to hit him." (HSB)

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