Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quotes about Clapp

About Clapp (being paid $227,808, he used to make $136k in his associate AD role) as the interim AD, Hinshaw said:
"I'm confident that Carl's knowledge and experience will serve our athletics department well during this critical period of change, and maintain our current momentum." (HA)

About working with GM, Clapp said:
"I still need to work with (McMackin) as he puts together his staff, gets on the recruiting trail and transitions the program." (HA)

HA Note: "Clapp said he will put "as much energy as I can" into addressing long-delayed improvements to Cook Field and other facilities, as well as the completion of the department's third-floor office space. Clapp will also work with administrators to put together a five- to eight-year master plan to guide the department. Also looming is the search for a permanent athletic director. Clapp has not confirmed that he is interested in the position, only saying that he would like to remain employed at UH."

About looking for the permanent AD spot, Clapp said:
"The timeline for a search will be established by the chancellor, and we've had no conversations about that yet. Chancellor Hinshaw asked me to serve in this position as we go through this period of transition, and I will give her my full commitment for as long as she needs me." (HA)

HA Not: "The BOR also accepted the department's 2007 audit financial report, which was audited by Accuity LLP. The department reported a net excess of revenues over expenses of $148,325 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007."

About their 2009 football schedule, which is almost done, Clapp said:
"We will pick up on work in progress. It's probably something I delve into this weekend, get myself a little more up to date. I think we are in pretty good shape, but we have to remain vigilant to stay there and continue to work on it and see what opportunities there are." (HSB)

About what he's going to do now, Clapp said:
"First thing I'm going to do is probably take a breath. I'm going to inhale once, deeply. We've been workin'." (HSB)

About how he'll try to address their facility issue next, Clapp said:
"Probably my next priority is to begin creating as much effort as I can to addressing some of the facility needs. I should mention, too, that it's still a priority as to the football coaching situation to help Coach McMackin get the staff in that he wants and make sure we get them completely set up, and assisting them with getting out on the road and doing some recruiting. Priorities haven't changed a whole lot. They're still transitioning the football coaching and strategizing facilities." (HSB)

About trying to get money from the legislature, Clapp said:
"I'm anticipating that I will be spending time with the legislature, and will do everything we can to make sure they're informed as they can be. I also respect that they have a lot of priorities and some really key decisions to make as well. Anything I can do to get them information and assist and facilitate, we'll definitely be doing." (HSB)

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