Friday, December 7, 2007

Tebow-Colt Discussion in the Athens Banner-Herald

Asked about the Tebow-Colt "system QB" debate, Georgia Coach Richt said:
"I'm not sure what a system quarterback is. I know while at Florida State that I coached Charlie Ward and he played within our system and I coached Chris Weinke within the same system. They are very, very different with how they went about their business." (ABH)

About Colt vs. Tebow, JJ said on Sunday:
"You guys talk about Colt being a system quarterback. Colt can run any system. I'm not sure Tim Tebow can run our system. He's not a natural passer." (ABH)

About how JJ has "tons of respect" for Tebow, Colt said:
"I think what he was trying to say is that the type of passes we throw and the type of execution we're asked to do, Tim Tebow isn't asked to do that in his offense, but then I'm not asked to run over 225-pound linebackers either." (ABH)

Cornerback Thomas Flowers played against Tebow and watched Brennan in a replay of Hawaii's win over Washington.
About JJ's comments regarding Colt/Tebow, Georgia CB Thomas Flowers said:
"I understand what he's saying, but Tebow is a great quarterback. You can't take anything away from that guy. Colt Brennan, that's a great quarterback. You can plug those guys in any system." (ABH)

About how coaches need to provide a system that will maximize a QB's skill, Richt said:
"I think if a quarterback is performing at a high level, it means their coach has done a great job of providing them the system where their skills could be maximized. That's the bottom line." (ABH)

About how he'd vote Tebow #1 for the Heisman, Richt said:
"I'm sure that will be Hawaii bulletin board (material). I hope it's not. I have a lot of respect for Colt and what he's done, but I think Tebow is unlike any player I've ever seen." (ABH)

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