Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Quotes from the local papers

After the NMSU game, Rocky Savaiigaea said about the bonds of their team:
"We're a brotherhood. We share this journey together, and we'll end it together." (WB)

About how Dane Porlas, Ryan Mouton, Erik Robinson and Spencer Smith are competing this week for the 3rd safety spot opened due to Monteilh's injury, secondary coach Rich Miano said:
"They have a lot of good qualities." (HA)

"we're looking to find the third-best safety." (HA)

About the importance of the safety job, Miano told the candidates for the spot:
"The rules are against you. If a d-lineman makes a mistake, it might be a 7-yard gain. If the linebacker makes a mistake, it might be a 10- or 12-yard gain. If you make a mistake, it might be a touchdown. You're no longer responsible for yourself. You're responsible for the whole team. We're trying to win a championship." (HA)

HA Note: "In Saturday's 50-13 victory over New Mexico State, Monteilh, Patek (stinger) and Thomas (quadriceps contusion) suffered injuries in the second half. Robinson, who transferred from Navarro Junior College in August, and Smith, a second-year freshman, were summoned. Each played 16 snaps."

About how their backup players have to be ready to play, Miano said:
"You never know. You sit there thinking, 'Wow, it's a close game, I'm never going to play,' and all of a sudden a couple of safeties get hurt and you're in there. That's a lot of responsibility. There are 120 guys depending on you. There are coaches depending on you. There's the state of Hawai'i depending on you. I want them to make sure they understand that." (HA)

Praising Mouton, Miano said:
"(Mouton) is so smart. He can play anywhere back there. He understands nickel, corner and safety." (HA)

About how he has benefitted from playing nickelback, Mouton said:
"It helped me with the coverages." (HA)

HA Note: "Robinson is trying to make up for lost time. Although he earned an associate degree during the summer — an NCAA eligibility requirement for a junior-college transfer — UH had not received his transcripts on time. He was held out of the season opener and the first road trip, which included a five-day stopover in Houston."

About how his transcript delay prevented him from making their road trip that included a 5-day stay in Houston, Robinson (raised in Dallas) said:
"It was hard when I found out I wasn't going to Texas to see my family. It was a crazy situation with my (junior college). I talked to my mother every day. She told me to pray about it. God doesn't make mistakes. Things happen for a reason." (HA)

About how Patek, Monteilh and Thomas were established as the 3 safeties by the time he got clearance to play, Robinson said:
"I understood and respected that. They're like my brothers. I knew I had to wait my turn." (HA)

HA Note: "While Robinson had earned a reputation as a hard hitter, there were questions about his ability to defend the deep areas. Those concerns were alleviated during last week's practices."

Praising Robinson, RGM said:
"E-Rob is a hard worker. You can tell he's very determined." (HA)

About how he had to learn to watch for the deep pass instead of going for the big hits all the time, Robinson said:
"I used to always move up and just hit. Every day, coach Miano was on my case, reminding me what to do." (HA)

About what Robinson said about him, Miano said:
"I hope when they say I'm 'on them,' it's in a positive way because I want to make sure they know I care about them. I'm trying to get them ready." (HA)

About how he had to prove himself after GM took over from Glanville, Smith (who redshirted last season) said:
"I had no history. I don't think (McMackin) knew anything about me. I felt I had to prove myself." (HA)

About how he had to be patient for playing time, Smith said:
"Most of the safeties here are older. I'm just a redshirt freshman. I have four years left. I've been through stuff in football before where I wasn't ahead of everyone, but I worked hard. I knew the hard work would end up paying off in the long run." (HA)

About being interviewed about how Colt is about to break his career TD record, Detmer said:
"I figured I'd be getting a call here real quick. My friends, here, they like to keep those (reminders) coming. They tell me my records are falling left and right." (HA)

About Colt breaking his career TD record, Detmer said:
"It will be one of the last major ones to go. Any of the career marks, especially, mean a lot. It shows what you've done over a long period of time. It shows that it wasn't just a one-year flash-in-the-pan type of thing." (HA)

HA Note: "Indeed, Detmer assembled this one over parts of four seasons (1988-91) for the Cougars when they were a dominating force in the old Western Athletic Conference and owned the passing chapter in the NCAA record book. Brennan figures to break it in three years and in fewer games and attempts, unlike former UH quarterback Tim Chang, who captured Detmer's career passing yardage mark in 2004 with more games and attempts."

About how he is a fan of UH's offense, Detmer said:
"I enjoy watching Hawai'i (on TV). I like watching June Jones' offense. They are wide open and, for a former quarterback, you like watching the ball in the air a lot." (HA)

Heisman Trophy voter Detmer said that Colt is a candidate:
"I definitely would (consider him). He's done everything that's been asked of him. They're ranked, undefeated. People are going to talk about the level of competition and all those things but the bottom line is he is throwing the ball where he has to even when everybody is gunning for him. He makes it all work for them (the Warriors). I think he is definitely in Heisman contention." (HA)

About how he only saw UH on TV once while he was in high school, Bess said:
"You know, I saw Hawaii one time, but it wasn't nothing spectacular. I wasn't amped about it. All I remember was Timmy Chang, the quarterback. Other than that, I wasn't really into it at all." (HSB)

About how having their final 5 games (including the bowl game) nationally televised would be a great way for potential recruits to learn about Warrior football, Bess said:
"I think this is a great, great opportunity for kids across the country, who're giving letters and who're interested in Hawaii, to get a peek at us firsthand." (HSB)

About what recruits would learn from their nationally televised games, Erik Robinson (who never saw UH on national TV while growing up in Texas) said:
"Players would see how family-oriented we are and how we play together." (HSB)

About how they need to do well in the nationally televised games to get the benefit from them, Rich Miano said:
"It's one thing to be on (TV) and not being able to perform, so there's pressure. Every game is like a playoff now. We want to win the WAC championship, we want to go undefeated, but every game -- and I think the players realize it -- the intensity magnifies when millions of people are watching versus 40,000 in the stadium." (HSB)

About how having a full stadium is important for the nationally televised games, GM said:
"It's so important because people like to see that our fans do support us. I think we have great fans, and recruits like to be appreciated." (HSB)

About selling out Aloha Stadium, where the record is 2 sellouts in a season (most recently 1988), Miano said:
"I think it's like when Derek Tatsuno pitched, when A.C. (Carter) played basketball with Alika (Smith), people are only going to be able to see this team once. I've been around Hawaii football a long time (since 1982), and the exposure that Colt has brought, the exposure that Coach (June) Jones has brought, the whole program is at a level now where people throughout the nation respect and enjoy watching Hawaii football." (HSB)

About blacking out the ESPN broadcast of the Fresno State game in Hawaii and Fresno, Michael Humes of ESPN said the game was:
"a special case." (HA)

About how the time of the game will not change if ESPN picks up the game, HF said:
"Same time (6:05 p.m.). That's our parameters, to not disturb what we already had in place." (HSB)

About the discussions about ESPN adding the game, HF said:
"There was some discussion (yesterday) on the telephone with Fresno State, the (Western Athletic Conference), ESPN, and ourselves and KFVE. Fresno State and ESPN were going to continue some discussions about it, and everybody's going to let us know (today) as to where we're headed." (HSB)

About how the UH internal investigation of Ian Sample's allegations has been completed and reviewed by HF, HF said:
"I would say that the (review) committee (faculty athletic representative Peter Nicholson, vice chancellor on campus Ron Cambra, and compliance coordinator Bill Bryant) did a thorough job on looking at everything that was available to them. So at this point we're going to have to wait and see how the chancellor (Virginia Hinshaw) feels about it, and have a statement after she's had a chance to review." (HSB)

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