Saturday, September 15, 2007

Quotes about UH's game preparation

About how they were going to have mandatory meetings through late evening yesterday, Rich Miano said:
"There are a lot of meetings and arduous planning. It takes a lot of work to prepare for a game." (HA)

About how he takes a "quick look" at videos and informational charts on UNLV the Thursday and Friday the week before, JJ said:
"That way I'll have a little feel for what I want to do by the time I get to Sunday." (HA)

About how they don't normally add new plays when they prepare for a new game, JJ said:
"We usually don't add new plays, because of some of the things I anticipate (an opponent) will be doing." (HA)

About the scouting report he reviews on Sunday for the game, GM said:
"It's a report on pretty much everything they do — formations, personnel groups, different situations." (HA)

HA Note: "On Mondays, McMackin and his assistant coaches will meet to discuss how to build the game plan. Some of the meetings last as long as four hours. This past Monday, they were holed up in a conference room at the Houston Medical Center Marriott. There were UNLV media guides, statistical sheets and stacks of videos. The room even had a printer and fax machine. On Tuesdays, McMackin distributes the game plan and scouting reports to the defensive players."

About the game plan and scouting report for the defensive players, GM said:
"You give them a personnel report — favorite runs, favorite passes, red-zone plays. It's a ready sheet for what we're going to do." (HA)

HA Note: "Jones, meanwhile, gives the players sheets with different formations on them. He describes the plays, and the players must draw them onto the sheets. Jones believes that is an easier way for players to remember plays. As the week goes on, McMackin will remove plays from the game plan."

About how they take plays out from the game plan, GM said:
"If there's something in practice we don't like, we just take it out of there. We have enough of a game plan that we hope we can handle what they're doing. Sometimes you can put too much stuff in. I try to back off at the end. I never add anything past Thursday." (HA)

HA Note: "Jones emphasizes specific reads the quarterback, receivers and linemen must recognize. He then goes over the plays in meeting and on the practice field against the scout defense. He does not reveal the overall game plan to the players."

About his offensive players, JJ said:
"They probably think the game plan is the same every game." (HA)

HA Note: "He also teaches the players to react to the scheme or position, not the opponent. He said he does not want his players to worry about whether an opposing player is an All-American."

About not telling his players if they are facing an All-American, JJ said:
"I never even mention it." (HA)

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